Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm so over MUNI Pt.1

So much weird shit happening...

First off, the 38 Geary Limited was packed like a can of rotting sardines. I witnessed an old Asian man (what's with old, defiant Asians on MUNI?) who obviously did not speak English nonverbally threaten a white woman with his cocked elbow because he thought she was bumping him on purpose. I seriously thought this confrontation would come to blows with the woman getting clocked in the face with an old, yet surprisingly spry-looking, elbow.

He looked like he knew how to use that thing.

Then on the 30 Stockton, I sat next to a big blunt-featured, rugby-playing-looking bloke who had a half-sleeve tattoo on his right arm and intermittently spit gooey trails of saliva onto the floor while texting on his cellphone. I think he thought nobody could notice. He was wearing black, pinstriped pants with black leather shoes and a yellow, athletic fit tee.

I feel like taking a long, hot shower.

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