"My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth."
-Abraham Lincoln
"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."
-Oscar Wilde
11:51 AM Jumbo McNasty: i dunno man, i get tired of this american individualism sometimes
Tropical Commodity: yeah, honestly I feel like its all a sham...
JM: if the mentality here is based on a collective whole, i dont think there would be as many wackjobs roaming around as there are now
11:52 AM TC: we're a nation of fuck-ups
like everyone wants to be "free" and an individual and shit, but that just leads to madness
11:53 AM JM: it does man, freedom cant be attained by isolation
TC: so true
11:54 AM you need others to help you realize that goal
reach your full potential
you basically need love
JM: in the classic sense
TC: let me put it this way....
11:55 AM personal-growth wise, one needs "alone time" to realize who they really are
but the next step of growth shouldn't be undertaken alone
11:56 AM one needs to share that newfound sense of self with like-minded peeps
JM: because humans are social creatures. Deprive anybody of stimulation and they go mad
11:57 AM TC: yeah...social stimulation...love, happiness, laughter
11:58 AM JM: isolation, greed, freedom = madness
11:59 AM TC: wow
this is a pretty profound conversation
imagine if we had blazed right before this
JM: I'm trying to make it haha
12:00 PM that movie was fucking awesome last night
TC: we might be writing a manifesto or some shit
Happiness? or Total Recall?
JM: happiness
TC: HAHA! I'm so glad you dug it
12:01 PM some people I watch it with don't give it a chance and just write it off as some weird ish
12:02 PM JM: it was good, i thought it zeroed in on the intense sorrow prevalent in everyday life
phillip seymour hoffman is great
TC: well put! like the title itself was the biggest irony
12:03 PM bc it wasn't really about "Happiness"
JM: yeah its a complete paradox
TC: dude, if you liked that...there are more films by the director (Solondz) that I know you'll appreciate
JM: like what?
12:05 PM TC: this one called Storytelling....welcome to the dollhouse
what was your favorite story arc in Happiness?
12:06 PM JM: the fucked up kid
TC: mine was the perverted Dad
the Dad with the confused kid
12:10 PM JM: how about P.S.H. busting a nut against the wall
12:12 PM TC: LOL!!!
JM: that guy always plays fuck-ups on the end of the line
12:13 PM u should watch boogie nights
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