Sunday, August 10, 2008

Post-night out vid fest....

Jus 'cause I can't sleep. Some Youtube clips I unearthed. Enjoy!

Worth it for the guy demonstrating "how intense you should do your crossover" at the 1:50, 2:42 and 3:50 marks. HAHAHAHA!!!!

Wonder Showzen = brilliant. BEAT KIDS!

Choice Quotes:

"What is wrong with the youth of today?"
"Too much rap music."

(same woman again)
"Do you think rap music is ruining our society?"
"No I don't. I think it's bringing us closer together."

"Do you want a rematch, buddy?"
"Yes, hold my wallet. Gimme your microphone."

...and another! Couldn't help it.

Choice quotes:

"The girls here are as real as this plastic tree."

"What do you think of Kirkegaard's notion of identity?"
(sound of wind blowing)

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