Saturday, July 26, 2008

Something to bide the time... we wait with bated breath for Madvillainy 2 to drop.

Digital-only DL of Madlib's reworkings of the original Madvillainy. From what I gather, he put these together as personal listening on a plane ride to Japan.

Judging by the audio samples, I can tell it must have been one entertaining flight. He's combined a more left-field production aesthetic with what seems to be the original vocals DOOM recorded for Madvillainy.

For those who don't know, DOOM and 'Lib basically had the Madvillain album finished and ready to go almost a full year before it was actually released. But with internet audio piracy running rampant, the shit was leaked early. To counter this, the dynamic duo scrambled and added more tracks to the "official" release copy as well as totally overhauling DOOM's flow.

Originally, DOOM rhymed in a decidedly laid-back and borderline laconic tempo. On the re-do, his flow seems to be energized and more upbeat.

So anyways, if you're a Madvillain fan, you can't go wrong. Plus, it's only $9.99.

If you want to spend some real cheese for exclusive shit however, peep this. Might be worth it for the dope shirt alone!


Anonymous said...

damn cant wait to get my ears on it

- V I N S A N I T Y said...

I know! And get this...there's a DOOM & Ghostface collabo in the works as well. That shit will knock people's socks off!